How to Make Your Room As Cozy As Possible
No one likes to stay in a place that feels cold and not cozy. But, whether it’s about your room for studies, hobbies, or work or your shelter during your teenage years, one thing is always true: and that is to make your room as cozy as possible and dealing with decor may not be that easy.
To decorate their room without professional help, many look for help on Google, Instagram, and Pinterest. These means are excellent for those who don’t have an opportunity to spend a fortune on hiring a designer. Finally, you may need to work on the whole apartment or fit out your part of the dorm room.
The former situation is for sure expensive, and the latter one might not presuppose extra money for such consultations. In addition, many students would rather spend that extra money on high-quality paper help and decorate their rooms themselves. Still, the recommendations you might find online are not suitable for everyone. So, let’s clarify how to make your room cozy without making unnecessary purchases or following boring tips.
1. Forget About Cliches
You might have noticed tips about making your apartment cozy, including adding pillows, string lights, candles, and plants. It is not like these things are useless when it comes to improving your room, but for some people, they are. If you have a tight budget, you must think twice before buying all the possible decorations.
Before blindly following advice from the internet and purchasing all the recommended stuff, think about what feels ‘homey’ to you. Is it a guitar and posters on the wall? You might be comfortable with a corkboard and photos of your best memories or, vice versa, empty walls decorated with ornaments. Think about it – this is all about your definition of ‘cozy,’ not that of some random person from Pinterest.

2. Get Something That Reminds You of Home
If you are a student about to move to a dorm room from the house you grew up in, take one or two special things with you. Just one or two. It can be a plush toy, photo album, or a photo in a frame – something you would see first when entering your room. By bringing those associations into the place you will spend several years in, you may feel less stressed when facing the changes and meeting new people.
College can be a tough place to adjust. You need to live according to new rules, with new people, study many new things (sometimes, you might not even need them), and so on. So, something comforting and reminding you of where you would rather stay now is essential.
3. Spend Some Quality Time There
Although you may feel your room is your castle to hide in, you must let in your closest ones. Yes, your room is, first of all, a place where you study or work and can focus and stay alone when needed. Yet, without some happy memories there, it can feel like a place where you are always alone and trying to hide from something.
So, call your friends to stay there overnight or come over just for a couple of hours whether you are in a good mood. Then, your room can feel cozy because of the different things you have bought and because of nice associations and memories.
4. Come Up With the Style
What is your preferred style? Minimalist? Shabby chic? Maybe gothic? What about the rustic design with its wooden items and warm colors? Do plants make you more cheerful? Get as many of those as you need! Do you hate pillows and warm light? Stay away from those even if someone strongly recommends them.
Mix your preferences with intelligent design solutions only if you feel like doing that, not because they are popular now. Focus on your favorite materials, palette, and the things you want to see daily, which can brighten up your mood in seconds. When choosing decorations, colors, and furniture, you must stick to that list.

5. Functionality Is Key
To determine whether your design is functional, go through the following checklist:
● all items have their place;
● you are comfortable with putting them back there;
● there are baskets for hot spots (where you put all the stuff that gets piled up no matter what);
● the small stuff is not scattered around the room and surfaces but stored in organizers placed somewhere you could easily reach them
● multifunctional items prevail;
● empty space, like under your bed, is used for storing the things you do not use daily (or during particular seasons);
● shelves are opted for when you need some new surfaces or containers for books and other stuff since they will not occupy the space you use every day.
In general, vertical alignment of baskets, organizers, and so on is often the answer to saving space around you and avoiding clutter. It is essential if you are a student sharing a room with someone else or your mood gets spoiled because of piled-up stuff.
6. Consider Getting a Pet
Pets are not a part of the decor. Mind that they are your responsibility and need proper attention and conditions. With time, you will start noticing that your pet is okay with the new surroundings, adjusting and accepting this place as its home. It may help if you have trouble adjusting to a new room.
If you live in a dorm and are afraid that you won’t be allowed to get a pet, you are probably right. Yet, there still might be exceptions for some low-maintenance pets that do not move around a lot. And, of course, you need to agree on that with your roommate to ensure they have no allergies, at least. Otherwise, arguments between you two will be almost unavoidable, which doesn’t add to your place’s comfort.
Summing Up: How to Make Your Room As Cozy As Possible
The recommendations we have shared in this article may not be very pinpointing. There are no lists of must-have items or color combinations – all of those depend on you exclusively. Let them stay if you prefer cold colors and feel okay with those. If an edgy interior is something you adore, think twice before making your room all fluffy and plushy, as in those pictures you found online. Yes, it might look nice and trendy, but if you don’t feel like relaxing in such a room, it will be just another room from one of the IKEA stores, not your room.